Failing to manage ill and injured employees appropriately puts employers at risk of the whole spectrum of employment law. The complication of legal claims arising from the mismanagement of ill and injured employees, including adverse action, discrimination and unfair dismissals, would result in severe reputational and financial damages for both organisation and employers if incidents are not handled properly. Furthermore, a higher degree of sensitivity is mandatory when dealing with people with mental illness or long-term absence.
The consolidation of medical information or the handling of suspected sick leave abuse have to be dealt with circumspection before organisations risk exposure when challenged under the law. In order to manage effectively these complex workplace situations and ensure that both business needs and employees’ rights are met, it is essential for employers, HR and WHS managers to keep up-to-date with the latest legislative changes, new case law, and proven strategies for managing ill and injured employees.
The Workplace Mental Health, Ill Employees, Absenteeism and RTW (Return-to-Work) Management Masterclass will enable you to gain a solid understanding of the relevant laws and procedures to manage ill employees, handle absenteeism and facilitate return-to-work in a fair and effective manger. It will also provide you with all the information and practical strategies you need to minimise risks and avoid hefty penalties.
Paul Horvath and the team at PH Solicitor have extensive experience in this area of employment law. We welcome you to contact us if you require legal assistance with your particular situation. We can be reached on (03) 9642 0435 or at